Andrew is a case manager at JS Parker Ltd’s North East office. He holds a caseload of adults with brain injury and complex disabilities. He is responsible for needs assessments and co-ordination, monitoring and supervision of support and rehabilitation packages for clients, both pre and post settlement..
In 2009, Andrew started a role as a therapy assistant at Neural Pathways and quickly progressed to a physiotherapist role, which involved devising and implementing treatment with children and adults with brain injury, spinal injury and complex disabilities. In 2010, he was promoted to senior physiotherapist. His responsibilities included: clinical lead at a specialist neurological rehabilitation centre; completion of specialist neurological assessments and treatments; liaison with relevant organisations such as solicitors, case managers, NHS health care providers and social services as required on a case by case basis; and completing specialist rehabilitation reports. In January 2014, Andrew advanced to a team leader role, which involved him managing and supervising junior physiotherapists, as well as continuing with all responsibilities as a senior physiotherapist.
Andrew started work as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist at Connect Physical Health in May 2015. This involved working in busy GP clinics, completing telephone triages and occupational health assessments. He was keen to follow this route for his professional development to challenge and progress his physiotherapy skills; to broaden and improve his clinical reasoning.
Andrew was also employed at Sunderland AFC Academy and he worked there for 3 years, working alongside full time medical team to provide emergency pitch side assistance during training and matches with children aged between 9 and 16. As a passionate Sunderland fan, this is a role that he thoroughly enjoyed.